Banner for IKM's installation at the EADI General Conference in York, 2011
Information Knowledge Management (IKM) Emergent was a research programme I became involved with while studying for my PhD at Trinity College Dublin. I met the programme's director Mike Powell through my supervisor, and my department hosted a workshop for IKM Emergent, looking at ways we might be able to help them stage an exhibition about their work at a development conference in Geneva in 2008. I was commissioned to design their installation at this conference, and subsequently developed material for them for other exhibitions and communications of their work over the next few years - see below.
IKM Emergent describes themselves on their website as a "research and communication programme founded on a critical analysis of current practice in the use of all forms of knowledge, including formal research, within the international development sector. IKM Emergent believes that historically the development sector has adopted a too linear and simplistic understanding of how development takes place and therefore of how it needs to act in order to make change happen. As a result, the sector has generally based its work on too limited a range of knowledges from too limited a range of sources. IKM's philosophy is based on the conception of multiple knowledges, multiple realities".
IKM Emergent was a five year programme, funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It was developed under the auspices of the Information Management Working Group of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI).