Invitation: Sound Event at Jetty Square on Wednesday 30 August 2006
On the evening of Wednesday 30 August, Brendon Bussy will collaborate with Ralph Borland in presenting his piece for headphones "Jetty Square: Spine".
The piece, created from sounds collected by Brendon in Jetty Square has been created specifically for playback through headphones in the company of Ralph's Jetty Square sharks.
Download the piece below (direct link:
and play back via your own mp3 player (minidisk, ipod etc.) or discman.
The piece can also be obtained directly from Brendon (082 406 8140)
Time: 7.30pm - 9.00pm
Place: Jetty Square, Cape Town Foreshore (see map below)
Charge: None
Bring warm clothing - the event will only be postponed if the weather is very bad (please check the website on the day or call Brendon)
Downloading and playing the sound file
1) Download the file: spine.mp3
2) Load onto your mp3player (minidisk, ipod etc) or burn an audio CD for discman playback.
3) Set the track to 'single track repeat', or make multiple copies of the track (+\-20).
4) If your player has the option to 'insert silence between tracks', disable this option (if this is enabled, there will be an moment of silence before each repeat of the track which will disturb the flow of the loop).
5) Play the track so that it repeats as many times as you wish.
*Important Note on Headphone Volume*
Set the playback volume of your player so that the first 10sec of the track is only just audible (the piece has a very big volume range - if the first few seconds are too loud then the piece will get far too loud later on).
If you require a non-mp3 version of this piece (.wav or .cda etc) please contact Brendon on 082 406 8140.
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Further information
"Jetty Square: Spine" is a loop-based sound piece created from sounds collected
in Jetty Square on
the Cape Town Foreshore. Jetty Square is a public space designed by Earthworks
Landscape Architects and Ralph Borland for the City of Cape Town.
The sounds were recorded using a contact microphone attached to the bases of Ralph Borland's shark sculptures.The contact microphone picked up the vibrations in the metallic bases caused by reverberations of sounds in the square.
The sounds were then 'remixed' using Audiomulch (
The piece has been created specifically for playback through headphones in Jetty
Square, although it can be listened to in any space.
The piece is intentionally minimal and at times very quiet so that the ambient sounds of the square seep in and become part of the listening experience.
Listen to the loop as many times as you wish.
The black dot below marks the position of Jetty Square.
