Wind Catcher
Ralph Borland, Lyall Sprong and Brendon Bussy
Wind Catcher at AfrikaBurn 2014

Wind Catcher is a long-line Aeolian harp. Aeolian harps are an ancient form of musical instrument played by the wind. Wind Catcher uses a 50m-long cord strung between two high points to ‘catch’ the wind. A resonator amplifies the vibrations in the string caused by the wind, and makes them audible. Tune into the wind!

Ralph Borland is an artist, designer and researcher. His project Jetty Square is a wind-activated set of public sculptures in Cape Town, South Africa.

Lyall Sprong is a designer with the creative company Thingking.

Brendon Bussy is a musician, artist and educator who also worked on Jetty Square.

Thanks to Tristan Nebe for his assistance with the project.

Below is a short recording of the sound at the drumskin.

Wind Catcher from Ralph Borland on Vimeo.